

The stigma stops here.

Providing Chizuk – Strength, to all Jewish Women Coping with Mental Illness.


Join Support: Find out about our weekly support calls
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Partner Program

A way to connect with another member for mutual encouragement throughout the week.

Contact List (to be shared with members)

Creating a sense of community – A chance to send or receive support calls/emails to and from fellow members.

Share Your Story

Share your story with us in writing or on a scheduled phone meeting.

Chazkeinu Davening/Prayer Group

“One who prays on behalf of his friend and is in similar straits, is answered first.”

Chazkeinu Connections

An online Chazkeinu community where Chazkeinu sisters share, give, and connect in a safe, anonymous environment.

Email List

Subscribe to our email list for call reminders, inspiring articles and member submissions.


Our story, our programs and a look ahead.


A Chazkeinu non-emergency support hotline.

Suggestion Box

Chazkeinu members are the most important part of Chazkeinu. We would like to hear from you!

Letter from the Founder

It is with great excitement and deepest gratitude that I welcome you to Chazkeinu. I always dreamed of connecting all Jewish women around the world who share common struggles that are often kept quiet. We all deserve to find a safe and anonymous place where we can empathize and strengthen each other. This dream has become a reality as hundreds of Chazkeinu members spanning the entire world have come together to fight the stigma and strengthen each other. Many have shared that Chazkeinu has changed their life and are now free of the shame that comes with mental illness.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with all that Chazkeinu has to offer, of course all at your own pace and what speaks to you. The most important thing is to give yourself the credit you deserve every time you take a step towards inner healing and growth.

Please know that you are not alone. We are here for you! Please reach out to us anytime.

With deepest admiration and best wishes,


Chazkeinu Founder

Torah Treasures

by Rabbi Yisroel Grossberg Chazkeinu Rabbinic Adviser

What is going on with my mother?

This book, What is going on with my mother? was written by a Chazkeinu member and inspired by Chazkeinu. It can be ordered here from Feldheim. It is a book explaining in clear English what depression can do to a person and how the children are not to blame. It is a book for kids but can be for adults as well to explain what is going on with them to others.
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Chazkeinu provides chizuk – strength
to all Jewish women coping with mental illness.
Empathetic support and positive connections
Chazkeinu promotes empathetic support and positive connections amongst those coping with their own mental illness, or that of a loved one, to help each other feel safe, understood and uplifted amidst their struggles. Chazkeinu offers a variety of programs, projects, and networks that cater to the mental health needs of each individual. We have two weekly phone meetings scheduled to accommodate those both in and out of the U.S..
Strengthen ourselves by strengthening others
At Chazkeinu we “strengthen ourselves by strengthening others.” We connect with others who are going through similar challenges and try to remove the isolation that comes along with mental illness.  We share our experience, strength and hope with others who are struggling or maintaining. We do our part to lessen the stigma of mental illness. At Chazkeinu we believe that mental illness is just like any other sickness, and deserves to be treated as such. We provide a network for those who are struggling and help loved ones of those who are sick.
For more information:
Phone: 314-346-7414
Fax: 773-496-7317
Email: [email protected]

Address: 3402 Hatton Rd
Pikesville, MD 21208

Contact Us
While all members have the option to remain anonymous, we would appreciate if you can tell us a little bit about yourself and how you feel Chazkeinu can benefit you. This will help us ensure that Chazkeinu is the best fit for you. Chazkeinu welcomes and caters to all Jewish women and their female family members who are struggling with mental health challenges.